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We understand when you're getting started it's hard to work ON your business and IN your we're giving you a head start!


Download a generic listing presentation (including Ubaldini Group real estate stats!), buyer consultation, and email signature that already meet KWRI marketing guidelines.


Customize with your headshot, contact information, and you're ready to go!


Remember that you have access to Michael Lewis Marketing Suite for additional options!

Show your value as a listing agent with your branded listing presentation  including customizable property & neighborhood information, the selling process, marketing, and real estate statistics.


Additional templates and market data can be found in Designs!


Create buyer loyalty with your branded buyer consultation including a guide to identify buyer needs & wants, a walkthrough guide, financing options, and real estate market statistics.


Additional templates and market data can be found in Designs!


Create a static image signature with all pertinent contact information to add to your KW Gmail.  Follow the instructions in the Email  Signature Creation document to create your signature and add to your Gmail account.

813.264.7754   |   5020 W Linebaugh Ave, #100, Tampa, FL 33624

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